Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Disobedient Tree

Friday was finally the day we had Michaella and the boys together which meant it was time to go find our annual Christmas Tree! We always look forward to it, making sure it is full, not too crocked and perfect for our home! We found it, loaded it up, and headed home to put it on display in our front window!

It took a bit of time for Tony to get it just right in the stand, but we finally got it! The kids always have so much fun putting the ornaments on! Tony and I sit and watch as they do all the decorating! OK, maybe I moved one or two to a better spot! Here's a look at our tree, with Santa right by of course! This year their Nana gave them LOTS of tropical Christmas ornaments.... hence her Parrothead background!

I get the kiddos all tucked in bed about midnight, and decide to hang the stockings and do some finishing touches when I hear a big crash! Yes, the Christmas tree fell! All of their hard work smashed on the floor! Needless to say, I left the tree right where it was and by the next afternoon we were back up with the Christmas spirit!

So we have an idea why our tree was being so "disobedient". Tony says the tree is "cursed" because we paid with a credit card for the tree, and neither one of us had cash. Which meant we couldn't tip the helpful hands who put the tree on top of the truck. We felt bad, but I guess we paid for it! the moral of the story....always remember your cash to pay the tip!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone is having a blessed CHRISTmas season!!!!


Grace and Aria said...

Oh, NO!!! That's terrible. I hope you tree stays where it's supposed to now :)

Anonymous said...

Noooo!!! That's my worst nightmare. Actually having a kid under the tree would be worse but that's pretty bad. Hope your ornaments held up!

You're supposed to tip the guy? Oh no...