Saturday, November 10, 2007


Well, today ended our Fall season of soccer. It saddens me. There is no greater joy to me than getting up bright and early on Saturday mornings grabbing the lawn chairs, making sure the water bottles are full, praying the kids can remember where each of them last left their soccer cleats and those darn shin guards, and running out the door, forgetting something of course!
I love to cheer my kids on in their games and watching each week what improvements they make! I love it. My question at the end of each season, will they choose this sport again?
What is next in store for each of them, only time will tell.

Speaking of time, what will we do with our extra time. Now that the lawn chairs (yes, we have old school lawn chairs) are placed back in the garage until next season, we'll probably enjoy a few more family meals together, do our homework at the table rather than in the car on the way to soccer practice, and probably fill the time up with well, yet another the Church Christmas Program practices! The great thing about kids, they keep us moving.
Here's to crazy chaotic days, and hoping for a few slower ones too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I just read through all of your posts I missed while away and I'm blown away April. You are good!